NaNoWriMo: Character Creation Mode

It's November first. NaNoWriMo is upon us and I have a working idea (unless I scrap it at today's write-in, like I did last year). When Brian got home from work at 7am I dragged myself out of bed for the world's earliest brunch (at that hour it's just breakfast, don't try to trick me) … Continue reading NaNoWriMo: Character Creation Mode

Feigning Diligence

It's October and here I am, excuses in hand and apologies for months of neglect. I've been busy in other things--in addition to my photography (NSFW), I've also launched an Etsy shop called Saint Drusilla. It's mostly knitted goods right now, but I've been busily adding to my stock, drafting patterns, making things, shopping for … Continue reading Feigning Diligence