NaNoWriMo: Character Creation Mode

It's November first. NaNoWriMo is upon us and I have a working idea (unless I scrap it at today's write-in, like I did last year). When Brian got home from work at 7am I dragged myself out of bed for the world's earliest brunch (at that hour it's just breakfast, don't try to trick me) … Continue reading NaNoWriMo: Character Creation Mode

Nanowrimo 2012: Unsolicited Advice

Forgive me for reposting, but the timing seems relevant. I wrote this last year at the end of 2011's NaNoWriMo, and I thought I'd share it here since this has become my de facto writing journal. I’m going to have a tiny sappy moment here. Janie and I talked about doing NaNo for a few … Continue reading Nanowrimo 2012: Unsolicited Advice