Tipsy the Prognosticator: American Horror Story ?6

People, I have nearly had it with this bullshit. Is it just me, or is American Horror Story almost boasting about their inability to pick a single concept and work it through start to finish in one season? What is this? Have they not even decided a name for the season? I get that "Murder … Continue reading Tipsy the Prognosticator: American Horror Story ?6

Tipsy the Prognosticator: American Horror Story: Coven

You might recall how last year before the premier of AHS:Asylum I made some predictions based upon their promo spots. Predictably, they were incredibly wrong, but somehow also amazingly right. I don't anticipate this year's advertisements to be any more honest about what's to come, in spite of how painfully stylish they are. I'll give … Continue reading Tipsy the Prognosticator: American Horror Story: Coven