The Fitbit Diaries: Day 4

I’ve hit a fitness plateau, where healthy eating and my typical levels of belligerent self-motivation don’t seem to be cutting it any longer. Maybe it’s turning the corner out of my twenties. Who knows? All I can say is that for some reason, the bright glowing numbers on an elliptical machine display at the gym motivate me like no other, so I got something to turn my daily activity into numbers.

Day Four

Fitbit syncs with my reigning favorite diet aid, MyFitnessPal, which is really convenient because I don’t like answering to multiple apps about the same thing because they’re not my supervisor. If you have an active day, it adjusts how much you’re “allowed” to eat in MFP, and if you don’t… well…

Changing my family crest to a skull and crossed utensils. What's Latin for "Always Dieting"?

Changing my family crest to a skull and crossed utensils. What’s Latin for “Always Dieting”?

Maybe it’s not that my day was inactive, and more that it involved a Greek food festival (and yes, I spent all nineteen of those active minutes walking to this promised land of food and beer).

Forever eating gyros from places where people pronounce it properly.

Forever eating gyros from places where people pronounce it properly.


The big question I need to figure out is why it’s so goddamned exhausting to do nothing at all some days.

maybe this is a factor?

maybe this is a factor?


So I’ve been counting calories for most of my life, but a sleep tracker is a new kind of witchcraft! Could this be the answer to why I sometimes wake up tired?

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